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Monday, 27 June 2011
Friday, 24 June 2011
Blue Screen of Death
10:24 pm
Dimaz Julio
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this is what you'll get if u make some trouble in ur win/PC
make sure that ur PC have routines maintance, at least twice a month
if u do that, u'll have long life time from ur PC :D
any error?? message me at my YM deliverdee :D
make sure that ur PC have routines maintance, at least twice a month
if u do that, u'll have long life time from ur PC :D
any error?? message me at my YM deliverdee :D
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Fairplay Movement by Deliverdee
11:19 pm
Dimaz Julio
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happy twenty :D, i know i was getting older, but who cares, die hard life easy, find the happines, see the sun set, make proud of them(my parents), no surprise since junior high school is okay, i dont know why? maybe couse of i dont like cream cake, choco is okay, tiramisu too. thx to my ex, she remember this day, and she made many feedback in my timeline. but it so funny, no feedback in my wall, i not show my birth date.
i know i cant make a bday party. i just can give u this, may lastest mixtape, u can make ur own my bday bash, enjoy :D
Deliverdee - Fairplay Movement (mixtape) by deliverdee
Monday, 6 June 2011
Calvin Harris - Bounce feat Kelis
10:51 pm
Dimaz Julio
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I can’t believe that every day and every night
These people better leave you out of my life
It’s like a fantasy setting out, now I’m feeling good
No way to stop it, now you wish that you could
When the waking comes I know I feel alive
You will be the last thing on my mind
No regrets, do you know what that means
These people better leave you out of my life
It’s like a fantasy setting out, now I’m feeling good
No way to stop it, now you wish that you could
When the waking comes I know I feel alive
You will be the last thing on my mind
No regrets, do you know what that means
If how, if now, if when
We’re down to this track
And I don’t care what anyobody thinks about that
Hands to the sky, and throw your head back
We’re down to this track
And I don’t care what anyobody thinks about that
Hands to the sky, and throw your head back
I can love again tonight
We’re down to this track
And I don’t care what anyobody thinks about that
Hands to the sky, and throw your head back
We’re down to this track
And I don’t care what anyobody thinks about that
Hands to the sky, and throw your head back
Bounce, bounce, bounce
If how, if now, if when
We’re down to this track
And I don’t care what anyobody thinks about that
I don’t care what anyobody thinks about that
We’re down to this track
And I don’t care what anyobody thinks about that
I don’t care what anyobody thinks about that
Lyric by
Sunday, 5 June 2011
SERTIJAB Pameran & Kunjungan UG 2011-2012
9:56 pm
Dimaz Julio
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Priode gue magang di sekretariat pameran & kunjungan SMA, MA dan SMK telah berahir, kini tinggal mreka (lilis, Iib, Yosep, Arpoy, Aryo) yang melanjutkan priode tanggung jawab mreka selama setahun lagi untuk meregenerasi panitia2 yang baru ;D, sukses yah kalian, khususnya lilis, gue pasti bantu kok kalo ada yg memang bisa gue bantu, Cemungudhh :D
Buat alumni panitia, thx kebersamaanya selama ini, kita susah senang bareng, udah kyk keluarga kedua gue asli deh, thx ya teman2, gue gak bisa lupa sama ini pengalaman yang udah tatooed in my mind, haha lebay. LOVE U ALL :D
Thursday, 2 June 2011
we believe we can fly
5:57 am
Dimaz Julio
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pada tau kan lagu I belive i can fly nya (alm) opa Jco, lagu ini sering dinyanyiin buat penyemangat pas ada bencana, maksud lagu ini adalah agar kita bisa tegar dan bisa menggapai apapun yang kita inginkan walaupun rintangan membentang. Gue sengaja disain sesuai judul aja, enjoy the draw :D
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
11:31 pm
Dimaz Julio
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Aku berharap pengalaman berbeda datang ke hidup saya, sedikit kejutan dan bumbu cinta juga pertemanan dan apapun yang Allah SWT berikan pada saya :D:D:D
Hackintosh tees
11:05 pm
Dimaz Julio
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This is my first product, not the girl, just the tees, very awesome isn't, only two pieces in the world, i called it Hackintosh, u can wear it as cheap as IDR 75K :*
Daft Punk X Tron X Alive
7:44 pm
Dimaz Julio
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This is freeaway Wallpaper for ur netbook, keren gak? sewaktu nonton tron, gue kepikiran buat wallpaper untuk mempercantik my betty2.0, gue suka warnanya, lo suka ngga? !)
2IA08 '10
7:39 pm
Dimaz Julio
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Awal gue masuk tingkat dua, kelas gue diacak dari 15 kelas, belum masuk ke pertemuan pertama gue udah kenalan sama calon2 yang bakal sekelas sama gue, trus kita punya inisatif buat bikin grup di facebook. Different Friends Different Experience :Z
@Kumpulsore 109
7:31 pm
Dimaz Julio
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Bulan puasa paling enak biasanya ngabuburit, sekalian kumpul sekalian silaturahmi paling asik, tapi berhubung gue gagal konsep akhirnya acara terkesan grabak-grubuk walaupun tetep acara terlaksana sampai yang dateng menyantap hidangan berbuka, semoga ada acara kyk gini lagi walau bukan gue yang bikin.
Spanduk pameran Universitas Gunadarma (part II)
7:19 pm
Dimaz Julio
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Spanduk / Backdrop kali ini terilhami oleh situs khusus mahasiswa di Universitas Gunadarma, yakni studentsite. coba aja cek, mirip kan, hihi.
lengkap loh sama rollbanner-nya :L
Logo Solution Plus
6:50 pm
Dimaz Julio
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Kantor baru dengan alamat Jl Cipaku I no 13 ini bernama Solution Plus, om gue minta bantu gambar logo perusahaan buat nambah2 koleksi sebelum dipilih buat logo sebenernya, akhirnya gue bikin 4 variasi, mungkin terlalu kaku jadi ke empat2nya pada akhirnya ngga kepake.
Poster "UG in Your Hand"
6:38 pm
Dimaz Julio
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Sewaktu gue ngecek nilai di situs gue ngeliat di berita blogroll ada lomba bikin poster, temannya sih banyak, cuman gue ngambil UG in hand, gue bikin deh tuh gambar tangan trus tengahnya megang logo UG, trus gue kirimin deh tuh ke BAPSI, tapi yg di maksud disini sebenarnya tuh bukan UG di tangan, tapi Fitur UG yang ada di Handphone buat ngakses ke administrasi-an mahasiswa, alhasil gue salah presepsi dan deadline udah lewat pas gue sadar buat ganti. Asemm..
Polban : Industrial Visit
6:19 pm
Dimaz Julio
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April 2010 temen gue yang kuliah politeknik bandung minta bantu disain kaos buat kedatangan Fak/Jur Industri ke kampusnya.
Calon Anggota Independen DPM FIB UI
6:06 pm
Dimaz Julio
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Sekitar 22 November 2010 yang lalu, gue dapet tawaran bikin Spanduk sama brosur buat kampanye calon DPM FIB UI Akhmad Nakhrowi sama Rahmat Kahfi A, disain dapet ilham dari pencalonan Barrak Obama sebagai presiden yang di dukung sama, gue pake latar biru sekalian biar warnanya ngga tabrakan sama baju yang di pake sama keduanya.
Berikut juga flyer/brosur gue bikin dua buat variasi biar si client milih sendiri :D dan akhirnya doi sekarang jabat posisi DPM FIB UI lohh..
Media Kampanye Psikologi Untar
5:26 pm
Dimaz Julio
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Setahun yang lalu gue dapet Client pacar temen gue buat media kampanye jurusan di kampusnya, gue baru kali ini tuh dapet kasus yang kayak gini, pikiran gue bikin spanduk trus turun ke jalan, haha. Ngga pake lama, doi langsung ngasih materinya apa, ide brilian gue rada ngga keluar, akhirnya gue kerjain berdua bareng temen gue dan ini lah hasilnya.
Sebelumnya sih gue bener2 kepikiran bikin spanduk dan this is it :D
backdrop pameran Universitas Gunadarma
5:05 pm
Dimaz Julio
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Selama gue magang sama Purek IV (Pembantu rektor 4) di kampus, gue dapet tugas garap backdrop buat pameran di cirebon, gue kalo keabisan ide biasanya gue bongkar disain2 gue yang lama, akhirnya gue menemukan PSD yang cocok dan ini lah hasil tangan gue :F