Thursday, 30 September 2010

Cara Update Firmware Nokia

Can you have something new in your device? yes, you can have it. How? caranya gampang, ke centernya aja klo lo punya duit lebih, gue sih males. Kayak kejadian kemaren pas di kampus, waktu gue keluar kelas gue lewat koridor depan gedung dua, disana berjejer stand-stand pameran mulai dari promo FLAZZ BCA sampe Centra Nokia Goes to Campus, berhubung handphone gue Nokia 6681, gue coba tanya-tanya aja.

Dee: Bang, bisa bikin handphone gue keren gak?
Pegawai Nokia: bisa, di upgrade aja disini
Dee: emang bisa bang? bukanya klo ngga cocok ntar malah matot? (skalian ngecek keahlian ni abang2)
Pegawai Nokia: Nokia menciptakan yang pasti kompatible buat handphone buatan Nokia sendiri
Dee: yawdah deh, gimana caranya?
Pegawai Nokia: Upgrade disini ajah
Dee: wah boleh bang (sambil nunjukin hanphone kesayanagn)
Pegawai Nokia: tapi kena biaya IDR 35000
Dee: Yahhhh (isi kantong ngga cukup, langsung gue tarik handphone gue trus langsung balik makan siang)
Gue sih ngga yakin klo mau ngluarin duit bakal beginian, berhubung gue bawa Betty 2.0 (nama laptop kesayangan gue, hihi) langsung onlen via wifi di trus baca thread tentang upgrade Nokia 6681, caranya gampang. 
1. Masuk ke
2. Pilih Support.
3. Pilih Download Software.
4. Ada Select your software, scroll ke bawah dan arahkan ke Device Software Update.
5. Cari seri handphone Nokia anda.
6. Download Device Software Update.
7. Install Device Software Update, lalu ikuti langkahnya dengan kondisi Handphone Nokia anda tersambung dengan komputer melalui kabel data.
8. Pastikan kondisi batrai anda penuh. 
9. Handphone anda akan di deteksi untuk mengecek versi firmware hanphone anda.
10. Software Updater akan mencare firmware terbaru untuk anda secara online.
11. Software Updater alan mendownload firmware terbaru untik anda.
12. Software Updater akan memulai update firmware handphone nokia anda.
13. Kini Handphone anda telah selesai di Upgrade.

gampang kan, coba dehh :D

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Smile Senyum

If you're happy, show it to everyone. If you're sad, just pretend that you're happy with a big smile that you have. *dosa ga sih pura2?? haha

Beberapa hari yang lalu gue iseng buka album lama semasa kuliah smester 1-2, gue menemukan foto gue abis ngerayain kemenangan pertandingan basket dengan posisi keringetan (kolosal banget kan) terlihat seksi dengan kombinasi filter black & white bikin senyum gue makin terlihat tanpa dosa.

Ngomong-ngomong tentang senyum, dosa ngga sih kalau kita pura-pura?, orang tua kita sering bilang banyak senyum banyak pahala (Alhamdulilah). Bagaimana dengan para pekerja hiburan dengan masalah pribadi yg dihadapinya dengan tuntutan peran bahagia, terpaksa kan tuh buat senyum terus-menerus.Bagaimana dengan gue? lo? mereka?

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Bayu Risa - Love Song

A Singer who was once know as one of the personnel groups of Rn'B Pasto will release an album under Sinjitos Records in October 2010. Before release the album, he was released singel titled "Love Song" producered by Joseph Saryuf will be provided as a free download and distribute to anyone. The song that has color NewWave / Disco / Nu Disco as well as introducing new music from Bayu Risa Previously more famous in the path of Rn'B.

Sunday, 5 September 2010

Akira As Astronaughty - The Dark Side of The Moon (HD)

Among a lot of producer in Indonesia, Dmust Akira show much the influence of Music Electronica by work on his project Electronic solo/DJ Called Akira As Astronaughty (AAA) under label 1945MF. His carreer as a DJ starts from early 2005 with name ASTROnaghty.

here the newest track produced by AAA called The Dark Side of The Moon, check this out :)

UC Browser

Hell yaa my friend, this is September and the last week of Ramadhan, there is too many miracle inside. Yeah thats true!, when i swum the internet i found very good application for your lovely mobile phone, of course UC Browser. You don't know it?? lets check the review after this line :).

UC Browser is a Browser for mobile device from China, developed by the developer UC Mobile, which apprarently has been around since 2004 and as written by VIVAnews, UC Mobile claims to have had 100 milion users, even in their home country of China, their market share has reached 80%, while Opera Mini has 50 milion and their market share in Chine amounted to 5%.

This is All facts about UC Browser. Advanced Compression Technology can reduce data costs by up to 85%, making mobile surfing cheaper. Unique Free-link technology makes wireless network much more stable. Embedded various popular search engines to meet your searching needs. Allowing you switch between pages easyly and giving you better browsing experience. Hundred of categorized popular web sites are showed in the navigation bar, all you need to do is just ONE click!. Super download manager supports resuming downloads and multithreaded downloads. To Provided the best browsing experience for you, we optimized the browser on different platforms. Pre-Load technology makes further improvement on you browsing speed, no more waiting. Manage you account making login easily and support cookies. Instant accesss to your favorite web sites with bookmarks or browsing history. Effortlessly enteri addresses thanks to our sophisticated URL auto-completion, entering only a few letters then select your address. Zoom Mode and Adaptive Mode are provided to meet your prefences, more viewing choices for web sites. Support to save web pages and images and share them by bluetooth or SMS. You can open, delete and share your files by bluetooth in UC Browser. Unique Night Surfing Mode protects your eyes in the dark. by

I've used this browser on my low-end device, you can find as much as different with opera mini, i've found one, i started to optimize the browser like kill the image to not show and setting-up as dynamic as the browser can like what i want, and then i login to facebook mobile, after login the loading bar show up 4,8 Kb. Next i did the same way to Opera mini, the loading bar show up 8Kb.

Now this browser available for Symbian, Windows Mobile, Java, iPhone and Android Platform.
download here

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