Untuk memanjakan blog tercinta gue ini, gue mencoba untuk membuat advertising berjalan yang orang pasti bakal liat kalo ketemu gue, yak, gue bikin kaos, hehe. Disainya sih barang lama, cuman gue modifikasi sedikit biar ngga monoton. Kalo anda minat dengan mercendise yang saya buat.,silahkan text me back via YM: deemust_666 atau SMS ke 02199847188
by mINe_elis on Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:35 am
In the FAQs section:
What language is No Shadow Kick sung in? Is it Japanese?
It's part gibberish/part Cantoneese/part broken English.
for that reason to get the real lyrics you may have to ask Jonas himself
only that some mew-nerd here knows if there exists any lyrics
What language is No Shadow Kick sung in? Is it Japanese?
It's part gibberish/part Cantoneese/part broken English.
for that reason to get the real lyrics you may have to ask Jonas himself
only that some mew-nerd here knows if there exists any lyrics
by em on Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:50 am
Please read Mew FAQ.
by jill on Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:55 am
Please read Mew FAQ.
by jill on Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:55 am
I think the chorus is:
God damn, potted plants
read the god damn FAQ
god damn, I have a canker sore
Why does nobody read the god damn FAQ?
by ffouette on Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:56 am
God damn, potted plants
read the god damn FAQ
god damn, I have a canker sore
Why does nobody read the god damn FAQ?
by ffouette on Sat Aug 30, 2008 10:56 am
Omg jill
by Ally on Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:31 pm
by Ally on Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:31 pm
Why on earth is it only this song that attracts this sort of persistant delving? It's not a song. It's pain formed through wavelengths.
nahh, itu dia, masak gue musti nanya liriknya sama Om Jonas???
abis itu gue coba buka Youporn, eh, maksud gue Youtube, trus gue ketik di search barnya "No Shadow Kick Mew" langsung muncul video pertama trus gue klik, gue baca tuh comment nya, sama ngaconya sama yang barusan.
Jadi kesimpulannya adalah mau lagunya dinyanyiin bahasa Jepang kek, bahasa Cina kek, bahasa Engkong lu kek, kalo yang nyanyiin Mew mahh udah pasti Menggelegar!!!
nahh, itu dia, masak gue musti nanya liriknya sama Om Jonas???
abis itu gue coba buka Youporn, eh, maksud gue Youtube, trus gue ketik di search barnya "No Shadow Kick Mew" langsung muncul video pertama trus gue klik, gue baca tuh comment nya, sama ngaconya sama yang barusan.
Highest Rated Comments
- I am from hong kong and I do really grasp some hints of Cantonese, though I dun understand a single phrase. But who cares. I like the song very much. Mew got the true talent of making rubbish words enchanting.
- Firstly, it'd not be that odd... if it was a made- up language... look at Bjork, Sigur ros, and Yoko Kano. However, i believe it's Chinese, somewhat garbled by his strong German accent.
- i think the only time in my life id be okay with a gangbang was if it was these guys... lol, that's not right, i know :P
- @FredyPapoils =)
- @Seele10 Actually is Simlish
- amomew pero no me gusta esta cancion u.u pa naita asi sabelo
- same here
Jadi kesimpulannya adalah mau lagunya dinyanyiin bahasa Jepang kek, bahasa Cina kek, bahasa Engkong lu kek, kalo yang nyanyiin Mew mahh udah pasti Menggelegar!!!